Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 21 - Three Weeks Post Surgery

Incision and swelling at 3 weeks post-op

Well, I feel as though I'm getting stronger every day.  The incision is healing well, yet the numbness is still very bothersome.  I'm getting out with the help of others and realizing that Christmas is just around the corner.  I'm looking forward to everything that I'll be able to do once I'm off crutches and have the freedom of my hands. 

Nice knee Judy!!!

Physiotherapy is going well, my flexion is at around 70 degrees + or - a few degrees.  It's very hard work to get the knee bending but its coming along well.  I actually enjoy getting out to physio.  I think I may stop in at the school on Friday after my 10:00 appt. and have lunch with the staff.  I really miss the normal day to day routines of my old life.  It will be one year on Dec, 31st since my accident.  The best way to spoil myself is to get into the tub where the gravitational forces aren't pulling on my knee.  For anyone who has ever had knee surgery, you completely lose all muscle in quads and calf and your leg feels like a ton a bricks, taking two hands to lift it off the couch.  I will slowly need to build up that muscle in my leg again!  First goal is to reduce swelling and get ROM (range of motion ) to 90 degrees.

Monday, November 22, 2010

First Day of Physio

I went to Physio today and it was great to get out of the house and talk to people other than my immediate family.  My physiotherapist took a great deal of time to talk about my surgery and how I'm feeling.  He said we'll take things slow to start and that made me quite happy because I'm very nervous with this "new" knee.  I did some semi-circles on the stationary bike, did the electrode thing, ultrasound, went over some exercises that I could do and measured my ROM.  Before the stationary bike I measured 50 degrees and then after, he measure me at 62 degrees.  I'll be going to physio 3 days a week for the first month and then we'll assess later. 

Friday, November 19, 2010

I'm Back! - 11 Days post-op from ACL, MCL Reconstruction!!

So, the past 11 days have been quite challenging both physically and emotionally.  On November 8th, 2010, I had ACL, MCL reconstruction using hamstring and patellar tendon from the injured knee.  The PCL was left alone since his goal was to take a 3 ligament injury and turn it into a 1 ligament injury.  The plan for surgery was to use an allograft (achilles tendon) but that changed.  I also woke up from surgery 4 hours later to 40 staples forming a beautiful L on my knee. Well, I slept for the first 3-4 days batttling the side effects of the pain killers and anesthesia (mild nausia and dizziness)  .  By about day 5 I decided to start spending more time on the couch with my CPM machine continuously bending my knee!  The pain during the first week was not all that bad other than the rush of pain in the shin and calf when changing elevations.  The doctor explained that it was the blood that was lying beneath the surface of the skin as a result of the bone drilling/plugs during surgery- very common!

Now into week two, the pain is very manageable but it has now become knife jabbing pain in the kneecap!  It's not as bad as the calf and shin from week one, but it can be bothersome.  Yesterday I saw the surgeon again and the staples were removed from the incision.  Icing the knee feels great and I'm using my cryocuff all the time - it is a lifesaver!!  One thing that is very bothersome is the numbness below the knee and around the incision, however I know it will slowly get better.  I'm heading to the physiotherapist on Monday with a program to work on range of motion to 90 degrees over the next 6 weeks.  I'm also partial weight bearing to maximum 50% during this time as well.  Looking forward to my physiotherapist's cold ice and great conversations.   I told my children that they could decorate my crutches for the holiday season and they were thrilled.  Although I feel as though I have gone though all of this already (post injury), this time it's different - I've started on the road to recovery!!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Getting Things in Order

Yesterday was a busy day with phonecalls and arranging things so I'm ready to go up to Ottawa Sunday night.  Dervin's office called to confirm surgery for Monday and the Hospital called to arrange my overnight accomodations!  I also made my phonecall to my old surgeon to tell him to take me off the waiting list - yipee.  So I have my Cryocuff, Ice is made, Zimmer Brace, Crutches, CPM machine rental, Physiotherapy Appts Booked and travel arrangements to get me back home.  This is oficially my last post until I'm home.